
What Is Lateral Hub?

More background on Lateral Hub and why we got started.

Game Selection, by Alex Su

The thing holding you back isn't lack of work ethic or inadequate intelligence, it's that you've chosen the wrong game to play. By Alex Su.

10 Tips to Advocate for Family-Friendly Policies at Your Firm

10 helpful and actional tips for advocating for family-friendly policies at your firm, with Lori Mihalich-Levin of Mindful Return.

During Interviews, Focus on the Future

In response to interview questions, focus on positive forward-looking aspects about the potential new opportunity as opposed to negative aspects about your current job.

The Right Way to Network When Actively Applying for Jobs

Being up-front about your plans to apply and your interest in the firm puts you in the best position.

Every Lateral Resume Should Include These Things

Don't miss the easy stuff! Every lateral resume should include these things.

How to Leave Your Job Professionally

Tips on how to leave your job professionally when it's time to make a move.

How To Become Job Search Ready

Take care of these easy things now and you will be very thankful when it is time to apply for a job.

Why Summer Is The Most Underrated Time To Lateral

Many associates ignore the summertime and wait until the fall/winter to begin their job search – do that at your peril! Read why.

Key Tips If Your Resume Already Has A Few Job Changes

Being asked to help in another practice area is an opportunity to learn something new, become a better attorney, and have an advantage as a candidate for your next job.

Take The Opportunity To Be Flexible

Being asked to help in another practice area is an opportunity to learn something new, become a better attorney, and have an advantage as a candidate for your next job.

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